Lake District and Yorkshire Dales Trip
May 30 @ 08:30 - June 1 @ 17:00
Would you be interested in joining John Addy as he leads a ride through the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales?
- 3-day trip Friday 30th May to Sunday 1st June
- Approx 200 miles per day
- Enjoy the fantastic roads and great scenery of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales
- Places are limited so if you are interested in taking part please register on the website events page AND send an email including a contact number to John Addy by Friday 31st January
- Open to all Club Members, however please note the mileage per day
Attendance of the ride out confirms you have read and understood the ride rules
- Please arrive with a full tank of fuel
- Bike must be roadworthy and legal
- Wear or carry appropriate clothing for the ride
- Ensure you have the mobile number for the ride-leader
- No deliberate backing-off within the group
- No overtaking within the group
- Observe the rules of the Highway Code
- Always ride within your own capabilities, do not ride outside your own limits
- All riders are responsible for their own vehicle should a breakdown occur, cover is recommended
- Attend the pre-ride brief held by the ride leader
Take responsibility for the rider behind you, prior to moving off familiarise yourself with the following rider and the rider ahead of you. You’re responsible for making sure they don’t get lost and break up the ride. When making a change of direction and the following rider is out of sight, wait and mark the direction change (stop in a safe location where you can be seen) until they arrive. When safe, move off briskly allowing the following rider to take up your position marking the direction change.
Do not ride slower where there is no turn-off to allow the rider behind to catch up, this usually has the opposite effect and elongates the group.
Look for safe and legal overtaking opportunities. While there is no overtaking within the group, it is beneficial to make progress and safely overtake other road users to maintain the flow of the ride. Blindly overtaking or blindly following the bike in front is not expected from an advanced rider. Anticipating, preparing, and then executing overtakes safely without delay or loss of available overtaking distance should be the norm for RoSPA advanced riders.
On open rides Associates should only overtake if they feel comfortable about attempting the manoeuvre.
Double up at junctions. On final approach and whilst waiting at junctions all riders should aim to queue two-abreast and to make room for others to do this by their own positioning. The person you pull up next to must always move off first. Riders not at the front of the queue are expected to be watching the traffic so as they can move off with the rider in front of them if there is sufficient gap in the traffic.
Staggered position This enables the following distance to be closed-up safely whilst still providing a good view and stopping distance to other riders. This is expected at lower speeds and in urban areas but is obviously sacrificed if it presents insufficient margin to nearside or off-side hazards.
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